Induction Heat Treating
Induction heat treating is an established, versatile, and quick process that uses a combination of powerful inductive heating and nearly simultaneous water quench to achieve surface hardening of steels. The case depth is dictated by the heat input and the residence time of the coil, both of which can be precisely controlled. Case depths can range from 0.020 inches to greater than 0.120 inches in extreme cases. The hardness of the treated surface layer is determined by the alloy composition. Induction heat treatment is highly amenable to cylindrical components but can also be used to locally heat treat features using modified induction coils.

- Up to 6 in. OD x 100 in.
- 500lbs max.
- Alloy steels are most common.
- 41XX,43XX, and more.
Case Depth:
- Typical Case Depth 0.03-0.08 inches
Additional Information:
- The system is computer-controlled using pre-programmed parameters to achieve uniform, repeatable results.
- Power or travel speed may be adjusted within the program to accommodate more complex geometries.
- The process is monitored with by built-in Quality Assurance System to ensure essential parameters remain within tolerance.
- Pre-programed recipes minimizes the possibility of operator error, and eliminates the need for batch testing of repeat orders.
CLICK HERE to view Sample Induction Report